Lakeside Kids

Kids are important to Jesus, and they are important to us!


First impressions matter, and we want our youngest age group to have a great first impression of church! In our birth to 2 room, infants and toddlers will play and learn in a safe and loving environment with our thoroughly screened volunteers. It’s never too early to learn that Jesus loves you!


In our 2 to age 4 room, kids will continue to grow in their knowledge of the Bible and who Jesus is. Through both free play and structured learning, boys and girls will enjoy crafts, games, and a gospel-centered lesson while they begin to experience Christian community in their relationships with each other and their teachers.


It’s not about having the right answers, it’s about knowing who Jesus is! In our “big room”, 5k-4th graders will learn more about God and His plan for salvation through Jesus. They will learn that the gospel isn’t just how we are saved, but changes the way we live our entire life! Through a big group lesson, activities, and Kids’ Community Groups, we will put the Bible into practice and learn how abundant life only happens with Jesus.

Divers' Club
Divers' Club

Divers’ Club is our 5th and 6th grade group! Divers’ Club attend the worship service with their parents, but have their own study guide to fill out during the message. Divers’ Club has a Kids’ Community Group that meets midweek where they will get to hang out with their friends, eat snacks, and discuss Sunday’s message. As these boys and girls begin to make important decisions about what they will believe, we want to join parents in the discipleship process by helping them understand the world around them from a gospel-centric, Biblical worldview.

Summer Camps
Summer Camps

Lakeside Alliance is thrilled to partner with Alliance Bible Church and their Summer Adventure Camp program! We are finishing up our third year of summer camps in 2024 and hope to have even more to offer in summer of 2025. Come back and check them out next spring!


"Children are not a distraction from more important work, they are the most important work."
C.S. Lewis